October Insights-Four Questions

4 Powerful Questions Every Aviation Professional Should Ask Themselves Aviation professionals constantly balance high expectations and intense pressure. Whether you’re

Navigating Change in the Aviation Industry

Why is Changing Environment Difficult? Change is a challenging yet constant factor in the aviation industry. Due to the high-stakes

AI in Mental Health: Proceed with Caution

I was recently approached by a company considering AI (artificial intelligence) for their mental health app for pilots. AI is

Imposters: The Difference Between Novices and Experts in Aviation Mental Health

Imposters: The Difference Between Novices and Experts in Aviation Mental Health In the past month, I’ve received numerous emails, phone

Boost Your Mood with Music: Simple Tips for Every Day

Hello, and welcome to May! This month is also Mental Health Awareness Month. Let’s talk about music and how it

Get Moving, Get Outside

There’s a substantial strong link between exercise and positive mental health effects. It can boost your mood, alleviate anxiety, and

At the Risk of Failure

I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But what I can’t accept is NOT TRYING. – Michael Jordan I

4 Ways to Live Agelessly

“Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” -David Bowie I see every

The Importance of a Pause

“Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.” One of the side effects of continued self-care, if

A Bone of Non Contention

“Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Laozi There is a Taoist parable called ‘Accommodating the

18 SIMPLE hABITS you could be doing right now to improve your wellbeing

Explore techniques you can use immediately to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.

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Looking for a speaker for your next event? Captain Reyné O’Shaughnessy, a leading aviation industry keynote speaker delivers a powerful message to help address the current issues facing aviation health and wellbeing today.

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Watch Captain O's exclusive interview with Dr. Robyn Tiger, of the "Stress Free MD Podcast."

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