October Insight-Buyer Beware

Buyer Beware – Navigating the Pilot Mental Health Movement

I recently spoke at the UAA Conference in Memphis, where over 140 institutional members gathered to hear distinguished speakers present their research on a wide variety of topics, one of the hottest being mental health in aviation. It’s the “hot topic” in the industry right now, and I had the privilege of being one of those speakers.

Throughout the conference, many people approached me and asked, “You must feel satisfied seeing how everyone is on the track you started just three years ago with the publication of your book.” My answer was both yes and no.

Yes, because we are finally talking about pilot mental health. The awareness is here, and that was my goal. Now, we can take action.

No, because “everyone” is now an expert, which concerns me. With the surge in attention, I’ve seen many new voices entering the space—some well-intentioned, but others lacking the expertise needed for such an important issue. For example, just because someone is a high school counselor or working on their pilot ratings doesn’t mean they’re qualified to speak on the complexities of pilot mental health. This field requires deep understanding and proven expertise.

The real difference-makers were the ARC, who made key recommendations to the FAA. We must rely on professionals with genuine aviation and mental health expertise.

Buyer beware: Be mindful of who you listen to and their qualifications. Your well-being depends on seeking guidance from true experts, not novices.

For more insights, check out my article “Novices, Amateurs, and Experts: How to Tell the Difference.

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